Monday, February 28, 2011

Engineering Design: Project 2.4.1 - Design Project

 1)    Trent and I were given the option of making a few differnt things on aoutodesk inventor. we chose the candy machine with a sort of differnt stye that what you might not see all the time.
2)     We actually didnt start with that design brief and were going to do the car, but that didnt work out. from that we decided on the candy machine mostly because we both had some ideas on it and could put them together.
3)   step one define the problem
       the problem is that we need to design a candy machine that is workable.
   step two brain storm
       started from scratch and had to make differnt designs. had a few aceptable choices but one idea was      just better.
    step four criteria and constraints
        we had to meet the criteria of must be durable, cant be bigger than 8" wide x4" deep x 4" high, minimunm of four differnt parts once assembled, four unique candy shapes, and cant exceed 1/2" width, depth, hight or diameter.


There is a slope inside of it to help the candy move down to the bottom. There is also an opening on top so you can refill it. There is a crank at the end of it so that you can control the amount of candy coming out.

1 comment:

  1. Good start on this project. Be sure to include some screen shots from Inventor! Also, work on your posts formating. It's a little sloppy right now.

    ...and please turn off word verification!
