Monday, March 28, 2011

Reverse Engineering: Mechanicnal Product - Functional Analysis


      the purpose of the product, the gaameboy advanced sp is to provide people with entertainment by playing games. So to go along with the product the are games. the gameboy gives people a joy and is practical for times when  you have to be mobile. personally thats why I like it so much.

     my hypothisis how the product works is the game has data that the gameboy procceses and shows on the screen then there is a "directinal pad," left and right buttons, and buttons "A" and "B"  using them the product read that and you are able to control the game or quest your on.
     well, hidden from view but make the mecanics of the product work are data cards inside of it and ports for the buttons.  

 sorry i couldnt make a black box diagram but this clearly layed out
Charged battery                                                                                   
Buttons-  a, b, directional pad, start, select, L, and R
Slots on back

Light up screen
Data on the screen
Controls game
Charger and multiplayer connection

Friday, March 25, 2011

egg drop

Idea generatin and Ideas
Brainstorming-Create a sketch of one possible solution. Include labels.
-Create a sketch of another possible solution. Include labels.
Material Prep
-Generate a list of materials required for build day.
-Document a plan to ensure materials are brought in on block day

Build Achievements

Material Size:
-Your materials fit inside a printer paper box

Drop Achievements

Drop Accuracy:
-You hit the butcher paper!
-You hit inside the third ring!
-You hit inside the second ring!
-You hit inside the first ring!
-You hit the Bullseye!

Egg Resilience:
-Your egg broke but the yolk remained intact.
-Your egg cracked but the yolk stayed inside and intact.
-Your egg cracked but was still together.
-Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded three times)
-Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded three times)
-Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded three times)

Calculation Achievements

Communicate Results Achievements

Other Achievements
one of the more memorable  designs was i think it was Philips design but it was a box with marshmallows  and peanut butter. it also a had a rock on a string that dropped to the ground then the box slid down to string to the bullseye. so good job to them. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

opt in 02 Carnival Splendor

The problem started with a fire in the engine room, that stranded the people for three days. that set new problems because the people wernt doing anything and well thats not good for Carnavel.
   the repair needed was first the engins that started the fire then the damage the fire caused. also all the other stuff that reacted to the other problems.
  the local economy change because the shipyard sort of had to shift its prioritys from the nornal routine of docking and shiping off and acepting supplise to tryinng to solve the cruse ship problem.

Reverse Engineering: Mechanical Product




  Visual/ product analysis for the gameboy. this product has a shape targeted to appeal to kids, meaning it has a fun shape, so people will buy it. also it's smart to have a simple shape so people are in control of what they are doing. the shape is a curved square, its not to bulky and able to put in a pocket but the screne for viewing whats going on is still big enough to be good.