Thursday, May 26, 2011

Activity 3.1.3 graphic design

form magazine Inc. the magazine for growing companies
the Ford Taurus Sho is being marketed

1. What are trends? Why is it important to identify them prior to graphic design?
trends are something that is accepted as as the normal path or the style that things are done.
if a company is trying to market a certain thing it would be smart for them to know what the style is that people want to buy then they can build that style to asthetic need.

2. How does human nature play a role in how a product is marketed to a specific demographic group?
human nature wants more and more, atracted to powers. so if there is an object that will give them that of show that then people use it.

3. How is a potential audience identified?
you ask who would use this or who needs is potential for everone and if its in certian magazines the readers of them are potential.
it starts with need, people need to get around but when chosing a car you buy it for the extras. the extras are whats advertised and seperates them from other choices.

4. What must you discover about the target audience prior to graphic design?
if you have a group of people you want to have buy this product you should know there tendencys so you can acommidate them so more will buy. you wont buy something if there is anouther product that is better for your specificities.

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