1) the challenge is to make a glider with limited materials.
2) as you said oxymoron, when we brainstormed as a team we all just said all sorts of things even if they didn't work it helped other ideas.
i was thinking the wings slant back so it makes an obtuse triangle.
or the wings are straight with slants at the end.
3)criteria, as a group we had make a glider that would fly and have hangtime using tissue paper, balsa wood and glue.
constrints of limited materials.
Testing the glider
test phase
if something wouldnt work or changed we would have to fix it. for example the back was havier than the front so we put weights on the front. our goal was to compleat the glider and have it fly.
In the first round we won both the challenges, but in the second round Jordan and his group won the longest distance challege. something i didnt even think about was wings more flexible, so they move up and down whitch was very cool in order to keep the air under the wings at all times and the glider up.
class model glider, differnt parts/ colors